Summer Shadow, 2021, oil on canvas 32"x42"
Original oil on canvas with frame 32x42 with frame.
“My thought is like petal of parting,
Dancing with wind and fall into stream’s hand”
The best time of year to paint outdoor is undoubted autumn. The weather is temperate, the sun is shinning, there are no stinging insects, and the sky is of the in tensest blue, especially when it is seen against the bright orange and yellows of the fall maples and births. The shadows, particularly in the late afternoon of sunny fall day, are deep purple. The falling leaves on the black path shinning like diamonds, This creates dramatic contrast with the sumac bushes hit by the late afternoon sunbeams.
In this painting, I did a small color study on the field with oil and worked on the large oil in my studio later. The fresh color memories flashes back to me. Fall encourages an excess of color statement. Nothing is too bright, no light to pale, to express its brilliance; no dark is deep enough to do justice to the blackness of the shadow.